Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oh My!!

Has it really been almost 9 months since I have last blogged??  Where has the time gone?  Well in a nutshell, Baby Boy Frederick (Nathan John) has arrived...ha!  So much has happened in the past 9 months, where oh where to begin?

I will start with Nathan's birth.  Our sweet boy was a BIG one!  I was sent in at 39 weeks to be induced due to his size and when I got to the hospital I found out I was already in labor!  Not active labor but I was having real contractions around 5 mins apart...YAY!  I guess since I had preterm labor several weeks before and had contractions I didn't even notice that I was having them when I went in.  But that meant no pitocin for me and I would be able to let things progress as my body had planned them.  Since we checked in around 8pm I was able to get some sleep, well as much as you can with all the machines and nurses checking on you every few hours :)  I will keep the details short but by 6am I was well on my way to being in labor.  Still the early phases so I was able to relax between contractions.  Around 9:30am things really started to progress.  I was 7+ cm dilated, water broken and contractions were coming on strong.  It was epidural time :)...OR NOT!  Just with Owen I chose to wait to get the epidural until it was close to time because my biggest fear is getting it too early and not being able to get up and move for hours.  Anyone that knows me knows that I have a fear of my arms and legs being held down, I completely freak out!  So I wanted to wait until I knew things are progressing well and that there will be a baby shortly :)  WELL, this time did not go as planned.  Contractions came on strong and I got my epidural and after 10mins, NOTHING!  I was in pain, the worst pain I have ever endured.  The nurse called the anesthesiologist and he said to give it 20mins, turn me from side to side and if was still not working to page him.  The longest 20mins ever passed and still nothing.  By this time I was in the "I CAN'T DO THIS" phase :(  The nurse paged him again and it took him forever to call back, the verdict, he would be there in 10mins.  Did he come that quick, NOPE!  Big Fat NOPE!  By this point I knew that this baby was coming and I had to get through it.  I was checked a few minutes later, 9+cm and almost time to push.  My doctor was paged and I was prepped for delivery.  Was I freaking out, HECK YEAH!  I am not one for birth plans but the ONLY thing I knew, I was not strong enough to do this naturally.  Guess the epidural slipped out of the spinal space and that's why it wasn't working. Finally another anesthesiologist stopped by and gave me a pain shot that would work in 10- 20mins and give me some relief to deliver but by now it was time to push.  I prayed A LOT!! I knew I would need strength to do this.  But in just 7 mins and 3-4 of the most painful pushes ever, our sweet Nathan was born at 11:15am on Feb 14th...all 9lbs 6ozs and 22.5 inches of him.  I have to say that I the feeling I had when he was born was one I could have never imagined.  Not only did I feel a sense of empowerment, but I DID IT!  I trusted in God to get me through and have a healthy baby and he did!  And I also healed so much faster.  I was up walking around within an hour of having him and when we came home the next day, I was almost back to my old self.  Which was great since I had an excited 2.5 year old that could not wait to snuggle with his mommy and new brother (pics to come).  So, in a nutshell, that's Nate's birth.  We are so in love with our little Valentine and so thankful to all the nurses that helped me bring him into the world safely :)

More on Nathan, the first few months were rough with reflux.  We maybe slept 45mins each night as my poor baby was in so much pain from the acid.  He could spit up farther than any other baby I know.  We spent our first few months in the pediatrician's office and at our Ped GI trying to figure out how to help my sweet boy.  I was at my breaking point and so upset that my little guy was going through all this.  I cried at every doctors apt, even went in sometimes just to cry on Dr. Kapoor's shoulder.  Thank God for her, she had a son with bad reflux so she knew just what I was going through.  Our GI sent us for several procedures, GI scans with contrast, scoping, etc and we found out that Nathan had bad reflux and the blood that was in his #2 was from the damage to his stomach from the acid.  After a few months of different meds, me being on a dairy free diet (since I am breastfeeding) we finally got his reflux under control.  Yes, he still spits up like a champ but he wasn't in pain.  Our sweet boy started sleeping better, smiling more and was happy and of course was gaining weight like a champ.  Fast forward to today, 6.5 months...our big guy is doing well on his meds, spitting up less and less, eating solids twice a day and sleeping almost through the night.  And...weighing in at 21lbs :)  Anyone that looks at him has a hard time believing he spits up most of his feedings :)

Let's see, what else...Oh yeah, we moved...ha!  After years of saying it, we finally did it!  We moved to NC at the end of June.  We listed our house FSBO and it sold for full asking price in 5 days.  We couldn't have asked for a sweeter couple to buy it, we are so happy to know that someone else will be starting their little family there :)  We are building a house in Apex so we are living in a apartment for the next 4 months.  Our house SHOULD be done mid-December so fingers crossed we will be in by Christmas.  Owen thinks Santa is building our house so if he doesn't deliver by Christmas, I am going to have one upset little guy :) 

Speaking of Owen, what's new with him?  Well he is fully potty trained and has been for 5+ months.  We had him about 80% potty trained before Nathan came and then he regressed.  Everyone said he would but he was so excited about using the potty before Nathan was born, we just went with it.  And when he regressed, we let him tell us when he was ready, no pressure and sure enough about 3 weeks later he was back on the potty and not only telling us when he had to go but going on his own.  We are so proud of him! 

Since we moved Owen is in a big boy bed.  Yes, he was in his crib until he was almost 3.  That may be bad but he was fine in it, why change things :)  But he made an easy transition to his big boy bed.  He does get up some nights and comes into our room but it's only to tell me "Night Night and I love you Mommy" so how can you get upset over that? :)  Sweet boy!  We just walk him back to his room and he goes fast to sleep. 

Well, That's a Frederick Family update for now, hope to be a better blogger going forward now that we are settled in.  Will post some pics soon of the boys :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

31 Weeks and Updates

Hard to believe in just 9 weeks (or hopefully less) our little guy will be here! Since I forgot to do my list last time, here's a pic at 30 weeks and update below. 

How far along: 31 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 14 pounds

Maternity clothes: This question will be removed next time :)

Sleep: Was sleeping pretty good but am now back to being uncomfortable. Sciatica is really bothering me this time and I get shooting pains down my right hip/leg all night. Not to mention if I stay in one position for too long, my leg goes completely numb :( So I am barely sleeping 4-5 hours a night with waking up every 30-45mins to move around. Guess I am preparing for baby boy!

Best moment this week: Going to see Santa with Owen...well talking to him from the second level of the mall :) Santa was gonig on break and Owen was scared to get too close so we went to the next level and talked to him :)  He "asked" Santa for a Choo Choo Train and we had the Polar Express train set up around our tree when we got back from seeing Santa. I think he really understood that Santa brought it to him. He loves his train but is now asking Santa for a red car he can drive...ha! Luckily he is getting one from Gaga and Pop Pop. This pic sums it up :)

Worst moment this week: Sciatic Nerve pain...if you have never felt this it's impossible to describe. Baby boy must be one big little guy to put this much pressure on my nerve that my hip is constantly in pain and my right leg is numb :( Hoping he moves to left side more in the next week.

Movement: ALL DAY, kicks and rolling. I just know I am bruised inside from this baby. He does not stop moving. You can see the huge kicks and rolls and yesterday a lady in the elevator looked at me and said I looked like I had an alien in there with the way he is moving. I never had this much movement with Owen, again this must be a big baby!

Food cravings: Candy but for food, I am not hungry at all lately.

Labor Signs: Nope, feeling pretty good!

Weekly Wisdom: Not to take things for granted and embrace every day blessings.

Looking forward to next week: OFF for the next 2 weeks for the holidays!!! 3D/4D Ultrasound this weekend with the Grandma's and then heading to PA for Christmas! I cannot wait to see O's face when he sees all the presents :)

Updates for the Frederick's:

Not much new going on with Owen, he is being so sweet lately and hasn't had too many terrible two fits lately. He's VERY into using his manors right now which is to sweet...

Sneeze and he says "Bless you Mommy"

Cough and he asks "You are ok, Mommy?"

Bumps into you in the slightest, "Sorry Mommy"

A little too rough around my belly, "Sorry Mommy, Sorry Stinker, Owen be more careful for Stinker"

Constantly saying "I love Mommy, I love Daddy, I love Sadie and I love Stinker"

Always asking questions and when we answer him, "Oh ok Mommy, thank you"

He LOVES saying Thank You and tells everyone he sees that does anything him, "Thank You"

Loving my sweet little guy! And especially now since he's being such a good boy. We tell him that Santa is watching him so maybe that's why he is being so nice :)

Updates for us...the whole Frederick family has colds :( Luckily Owen is almost over his but he gave it to me and Chris and we are both feeling pretty miserable. Even Sadie was sneezing this morning.


We got a new car! We needed more room for our family of 5 (including Sadie). Our Ford Edge was cramped already with just the 4 of us and the thought of adding another baby in there was stressing us out. We are NOT Minivan people, sorry hope I haven't offended anyone but neither of us could ever picture ourselves driving a minivan. So we headed out to look for a larger SUV but one that wasn't too large and in our price range.

I sent Chris to GMC at lunch one day to check out the Acadia and he came back to report that not only were they a little out of our price range for what we wanted/needed but that they came basic or fully loaded so it was pretty much out. But while Chris was there the sales guy showed him a Chevy Traverse which is very similar to the Acadia, inside is exactly the same but the outside is just a bit different. Well, they had one 2011 model left over, fully loaded even the color (diamond pearl white) that we wanted and they wanted to make us a deal on it...a great deal! But we still wanted to check out the Ford Explorer since it's comparable in size and price. Found that that the Explorer was not for us, the second row is a bench seat and well with 2 car seats, the only way to get to the third row was to climb over or to go in through the back. Yeah, not ok. So that was out.

We went back to Chevy with Chris just telling them we were in the Tyson's area and he wanted his wife to see the car. Well, long story short Owen and I left Chris there and went home for lunch and nap and he bought the car! It was perfect, second row bucket seats with a middle aisle to get to the third row, leather, perfect color, DVD player, Navigation and a few extra things that we didn't even need. Great deal since it was a left over, we couldn't pass it up. Chris did some super deal working and was able to get the payments to the same as our Edge and they even gave us more money for our Ford than we owed...big plus! I was so proud of him, usually the deal working is left to me.  But he did it, I must be rubbing off on him :)

Now for the frustrating part. We bought it with Bluetooth and well, it didn't have it. Such a small feature but a very important one to Chris who does a lot of business calls from the car and just for us in general for safety for our family while driving. So Chris went to Chevy thinking they could easily install it. Picked up the car in the afternoon to find a cheap device installed with a microphone...it looked so bad on our brand new beautiful car. We found out that installing Bluetooth wasn't simple and couldn't be done. Chris was upset but finally told them just to take the other device out, it looked awful. He talked to the sales guy and decided to leave his car again and let them see what they could do. Later that day he got a call from the General Manager saying they couldn't do anything BUT that they were looking for a new 2012 just like the one we bought and would ship it in for us and they would eat the cost for the new car. We just knew this wasn't going to go as smooth as they were making it, but we were wrong. Car came in yesterday fully loaded just like the one we had before with a few more features that we didn't have before. And Chris got there and they had all the paperwork set, he just signed and drove home. Just like that! And they offered him the maintenance package for 1/3 of the price for 4 years, so we are getting it for less than $10 a month and it covers everything from oil changes to maintenance work. There is one difference with the body although I can't figure it out :) I think there is a bottom panel that is grey on the new one and the first one was all white. But again, I can't figure it out for the life of me. But we love the car and are so happy that Chris stumbled in and found it AND that they had such great customer service that they made things right when it didn't have Bluetooth and we bought it thinking it did.

Highly suggest anyone in the DC/VA area that needs a new car to go to Koon's in Tyson's :) Amazing service!! Here's a stock photo of our car and I will post a few pics this weekend. Owen loves it, he sits up high and loves the DVD player. It's a lot bigger and has a better picture than our portable one :) He always wants to ride in Daddy's car now :)

What else, I mentioned the 3D/4D scan.  Owen is going with us and I hope it will make him understand more that there is a real baby in Mommy's belly.  He seems to get it and talks about how he loves him and how he is going to share his toys with him when he "Comes Out Mommy's Belly Button...ha" but I think by him seeing a baby moving on the screen, it may help him understand more.  And I am dying to see what he looks like.  Owen's 3D scan was just like looking at his newborn picuture.  Crazy how much you can see at this point. 

So that's about it for us.  We have just been hanging low with colds and wrapping presents and getting ready for the holidays :) 
I will end the post with our holiday card for this year, we used a new company and they turned out AMAZING!  And were very inexpensive :)  http://www.simplytoimpress.com/ Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

29 Weeks!

I can hardly believe that I am 29 weeks pregnant already...where has the time gone?  I am doing well, feeling good and getting LARGE!  I feel like I am so much bigger with this pregnancy, which I know is normal but still, did I mention that I am LARGE!  If this baby doesn't weigh 9+ pounds, I will be surprised.  He kicks, rolls and jabbs me all day long, day and night.  And if I eat any type of sugar, forget it, I have to lay down immediately and brace myself for the 10+ minutes of strong kicks :)  I love it but I really think I am bruised inside from all the movement.  This little guy hasn't given me one minute of, "OMG I haven't felt him move" the usual freak outs that I had with Owen.  But again, I guess it's because it's my second pregnancy and well, everything in the stomach area is already stretch and used to having a baby :) 

I go to the doctor tomorrow so will do my list when I find out how we are doing.  But if my scales are correct, which I think they are I am up to gaining 12 pounds so far.  Thanks to Turkey Day for adding those extra 2 pounds on pretty quickly :)  It was totally worth!

So Thanksgiving was wonderful!  We went to Gaga and Pop Pop's for a relaxing weekend and some yummy food.  I was so thankful not to have to cook and entertain at our house.  Just not something a 29 week prego girl wants to do.  We had a nice time and Owen had a blast too.  We helped Gaga decorate her tree and Owen had a playdate with triplets his age.  He still talks about Ryan and his red car.  Which is funny because he is getting a red electric car for Christmas (Shhhh!!).  Owen did well, slept pretty good, well other than nap time on Wednesday after traveling.  For the first time in 28 months he didn't nap!  We were scared about the night would go but all was ok.  O got cranky around 6pm then crashed by 6:45pm.  We loved the early bedtime! But the rest of the trip was great.

Well that's about it for us.  We are done shopping, Christmas cards mailed, tree and decorations up and we are just enjoying relaxing and watching Christmas movies :)  Polar Express, of course!  OWEN is obsessed!  This weekend we are going to have pictures taken, trip to Frying Pan Farm for their Holiday celebration and then just relaxing.  May fit in a visit with Santa, if Owen is up to it.  He has been terrified of Santa so far.  Says he is nice and is bringing him a Cho Cho Train but is scared to be around him.  So we will see how that goes.  Ok, so much for the relaxing weekend...looks like we are busy...ha!  Tis the season :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family Pictures

We had our wonderful photographer come out one morning to take pics of Owen at 2 Years Old and a few Family ones while I was pregnant (24-25 weeks).  They turned out great!  Here's a few of our favorite ones.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Night Time Routine

I am writing this so I can look back at these sweet moments with my little guy.  Our night time routine has always been somewhat of a similar pattern with bath, cuddle time, books, then bed.  But as I am getting larger with baby #2 and with the thought of having a newborn soon, I know these sweet moments will have to change.  And my little guy is becoming a big boy now so it's about time we change things up a little...as sad as it makes me. 

After bath Owen and I sit in our rocker, talk about his day and then read books.  We have read the same two books for the past year and we never change things up.  Owen knows all the words to them, I Love You Goodnight and Goodnight Moon and says them along with me.  We usually read them with the dim light from outside but with the time change, I have been reading them in the dark...well more like just saying the words since I too have them memorized :)  After we read our books, Owen lays back in my arms, like a sweet baby and cuddles into me.  I tell him it's night-night time and to close his eyes and relax.  He then says, "Mommy, hold hands" and we rock for a few minutes, holding hands and cuddling.  If he's not too sleepy he usually reaches up and says, "Mommy, kiss...love you" and holds my face and gives me a big kiss.  We then say his prayers and tuck him in for the night.  These are the sweetest moments in my day and I will always cherish them. 

But now as my little guy is growing up, I know he no longer needs me to rock him.  He goes to bed great, on his own but I am not ready to part with our routine.  He is still my baby, my first and will always hold that special part in my heart.  But as my belly grows, it's getting more difficult to cuddle him so I know soon we will need to do more "big boy" things at night.  This will be a sad day for me but happy knowing my little guy has become so independent. 

So I leave this post with a pic of Baby Boy #2...first belly shot at 26 weeks.  Hope to do better with taking pics throughout this pregnancy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween...A little late!

Enjoy the pics from our night of "Trick-a-treating" as Owen calls it :)


26 Weeks

How far along: Almost 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds...YIKES!  Creeping up on me :)

Maternity clothes: Yes...I am deleting this dumb question! Not like I am going to get smaller and stop wearing them :)

Sleep: Finally sleeping through the night without getting up, well maybe just once but so much better.

Best moment this week: Deciding on baby boy's name and starting to monogram like crazy :)

Worst moment this week: Back pain!  Thank goodness for prenatal yoga! Looking forward to class tonight!

Movement: ALL DAY, kicks and rolling.   I was told that since my placenta was in front that I wouldn't feel as much but guess having a baby that's measuring almost 2 weeks bigger is causing me to feel everything.
Food cravings: Ice Cream and it's going to be the death of me this pregnancy. 

Labor Signs: Nope, not even the slightest cramps or anything...yay!
Weekly Wisdom: Try and capture the sweet moments with Owen.  He is growing up so fast and learning more and more everyday.  Life passes us by so fast, love every minute of it!  And big thing for me (and Chris), remember we can't control what the future holds and to relax and figure things out as you go.  God has a plan for all of us!

Looking forward to next week: Or NOT looking forward to...Glucose test :(  Yuck, gag!  Let's hope I pass with all this ice cream consumption :)
Updates for us and Owen...
Owen is becoming such a big boy and it just hit us.  He comes home from school each week singing a new song.  We help him with the words but most of the time he gets the ENTIRE song on his own and is so proud of himself for singing it.  I have brought out the flip and than goodness for an awesome camera on my iphone, I have been able to record him :)  He is too sweet...well at least we think so.  His favorite songs are Twinkle, Twinkle, ABC's, Bah Bah Black Sheep, Jack and Jill went up the hill (well this is a riddle but he is so cute saying it) and several more.  He sings and sings all day and night :)
Halloween...forgot to post about this.  Will do so in a bit but let's just say Owen loved it and rocked his Robot costume.  He went up to every house, knocked on the door and said "Trick a Treat" and always said "Thank you" well by the end of the night he was saying "Welcome" he was tired and confused.  But we hit almost every house in the neighborhood.  Impressive for a 2 year old.  Mommy was very tired and hungry but thanks to my little guy for always picking out the recees cups, I had snacks along the way. Yes, we taught our child to look for the orange wrapper...ha!  What, he loves them too :) 
That's really all that's going on with us lately.  We are just loving our little guy.  He's so fun and expressive right now.  I wish I could remember to write down all his little sayings.  I'll leave you with a few of his most recent ones...
Playing with Sadie...Mommy, I like Sadie.  She's nice
Watching the Polar Express (which we do every day)...Mommy, Santa is nice.  Look at big Santa Tree.  Mommy Santa bring Owie a choo choo train for Christmas.  Chugga, Chugga, Choo Choo! 
Time Change....Mommy, it's dark out.  Mommy replies, yes buddy, Mommy is tired and it's almost night night time.  Owen, "Mommy needs to take a nap"
Everything is "Mommy, I like it...Mommy, I do it...Mommy, I ok (when falling).  Tell Owen what we are going to do or send him to do something, "Oh, ok Mommy...Owie be back"  Ask Owen a question and he always stalls and says, Ummm...then the answer.  It's fun to watch him think things out :)
Favorite thing to do this week, build a house.  Owen and Chris build the biggest houses with pillows and blankets.  He makes doors and plays in them all day. 
New show, Go, Go, Go...as Owen says.  Go Diego Go :) 
Owen talks non-stop about his friends at school.  His two best buddies, Quinn and Jason must play together all day b/c he is always talking about them. 
Well the end of this post ended up all over the place, but just had to add some cute Owen things :)